
Configuration file: channels.yml


The TChat channel system is very simple to understand, you can add as many channels as you want, but they can not have the same name, the permission I do not know if they will work with the same permissions, I understand that yes, but they can give bugs, I do not recommend it, the format of each group, is the format that will have the players within that group.


Message mode

Message mode is the mode of the messages within the group, mode 0 makes all users see the messages of that channel, whether they have permissions or not and whether they are inside the channel or not, mode 1 (recommended) makes all people with permissions can see the messages of that channel, whether they are inside the channel or not, mode 2 makes only people inside the channel can see the messages, finally mode 3 disables the messages for all users.

Announce mode

Announce mode is the group announcements mode, it has the same operation as message mode, I recommend leaving it on 1.

Player limit

The limit of players on the channel simultaneously (set to 0 to make it unlimited)

Discord hook

You can send channel messages to specific channel in your discord server


  • Enabled: Enable/disable this option

  • Cooldown: Time between messages in ms (1000 = 1 second)

Default config

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    enabled: true
    permission: ""
      enabled: true
      format: "%channel% &a%player% &b> "
    # Modes:
    # 0 -> Messages visible to all
    # 1 -> Messages visible to all users with the permission (recommended)
    # 2 -> Messages visible to all users on the channel
    # 3 -> Disable messages (NOT RECOMMENDED)
    message-mode: 1
    # Modes:
    # 0 -> Announce visible to all
    # 1 -> Announce visible to all users with the permission (recommended)
    # 2 -> Announce visible to all users on the channel
    # 3 -> Disable announces
    announce-mode: 1
    # Limit of players in this channel (put 0 for unlimited)
    channel-limit: 5
    # Send discord messages to a concrete discord channel
      enabled: false
      hook: ""
    enabled: true
    permission: "tchat.test"
      enabled: true
      format: "%channel% &a%player% &b> "
    message-mode: 1
    announce-mode: 1
      enabled: false
      hook: ""
      enabled: false
      cooldown: 3000

Last updated