Basic chat

Basic options

Global format

This option is to configure a global format for all users regardless of their group, permissions, etc... (if per group format is false)

  # Global format (use only if the use-group-format option is false)
  # Use the "¡" character to split the format in the player and message part
  format: "%tchat_prefix% &a%tchat_nick% &e>> ¡&7"

Per group format

To use this option remember to activate the option use-group-format in config.yml

  # Use per group format (groups.yml)
  use-group-format: true

Get more information on how to use the per group format here

Disable format

This option can also be used by groups, to see this option, click here

This option disables hover text and formatting in the chat, all other TChat options should continue to work without problem

  # Enable/disable chat format
  format-enabled: true

Disable it if you want to use another plugin for formatting in the chat or do not want formatting at all (disabling this, the Chat event will not be cancelled, so you can use DiscordSRV and other chat plugins with TChat)

Register messages on console

This option is to disable the logging of messages in the console, i.e., it will be logged in the console when a player writes in the chat, if disabled, the messages will only be visible inside Minecraft (they will still be visible in the logs/chat.log if enabled)

  # This option is used to display on the console the messages from the players
  register-messages-on-console: true

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